I was only 21 when I had Evie, and 22 when I had Ollie. My mum was a midwife at the time which really helped me to understand birth, although I decided on my own to have my births at home rather than hospital.
Evie’s labour, the first, was 5 hours start to finish. I went into labour as I was going to bed one night, at 40+3. Progressed very quickly, despite protests from my mum that first births tend to take a lot longer. She was born 6lb12 and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. It was calm, I had my partner and mum there too, as well as my sister and brother asleep upstairs. I got to eat and drink when I felt like it and felt comfy in my own home. Straight after we weighed her and she had her first feed, I had a shower and we all went to bed.
Ollie’s birth was very similar, I went into labour as I was going to bed at 40+3 and I had the family there too, except this time baby Evie was asleep upstairs. That’s where the similarities end- Ollie was measuring big throughout and was back to back throughout the birth, this made for a longer labour. His was 10 hours start to finish (overnight, of course) and he was born with a shoulder dystocia. At the point of his birth he was stuck for just under a minute while the midwives turned me over trying to get him out. However, I was calm and comfortable and didn’t panic, I knew I was in safe and experienced hands. After he was born, at a big 9lbs7, he fed straight away and after we’d all gotten over the shock, had a shower and went to bed.
Both births were amazingly calm, surrounded by people I love, my own things and a homely atmosphere. My own bed and bathroom after. I would do it all over again if I could.