When a woman decides not to breastfeed, there is no need, at all, to justify that decision. It is her body, her baby, and what feels right for her, cannot be wrong. But having that choice made for her, thanks to poor support, or her efforts being undermined by other people, or the general consensus (only 23% of babies in the UK are exclusively breastfed at six weeks) - that is something else altogether.
New mothers now have so little in the way of ordinary, everyday support when it comes to breastfeeding - a ready and in-place community to confirm what is normal and to be expected - that at the first sign of difficulty, or an insensitive comment about a crying baby being 'hungry', or a healthcare professional not having the time or experience to help improve a latch, a mother can quickly feel panicked and desperate. I know I did.
If you do want to breastfeed, a fair bit of patience, a steady supply of reassurance, and some really excellent, knowledgable support is pretty much vital for everyone. I'll-see-how-it-goes approach is so unlikely to be enough so make sure, in advance of the baby arriving, that you have what you what you need IN place, ready and on-demand available to support your choice:
the number of a recommended IBCLC lactation consultant in your phone in advance;
the location and meeting time of a good, RECOMMENDED local breastfeeding cafe/support group
Watch this great chat about getting support here between breastfeeding counsellor Carmelle Gentle and yogabirth teacher Arlene Dunkley-Wood.